Com vulva Post Office

    Com vulva Post Office

    The Behira governorate contains more than 167 post offices, including Com vulva Post Office located at Abu silos Center. The Egyptian Post Authority facilitates access to Com vulva Post Office by defining it with the postal code number 22735.

    The Postal Number is: 22735

    Postal Code 22735
    post office Com vulva
    Address Abu silos Center
    Province Behira
    Sector West Delta
    Financial Number 5094
    Hotline 16789
    Telephone 045-2426671

    Com vulva Post Office Timetable

    Com vulva Post Office operates on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday days per week with full-time working hours starting from 8 am to 3 pm, in order to facilitate all services provided by Com vulva Post Office to citizens.

    Work Days Work Hours
    Sunday - Thursday 8 a.m - 3 p.m

    Com vulva Post Office Services

    The Egyptian Post Authority offers numerous services and is actively working on digitizing many of them. It is highly dedicated to providing all its services efficiently across all its branches. Within the branches of the Egyptian Post Authority, Com vulva Post Office is specified to provide all its services, indicating whether it includes an ATM or not.

    Service Status
    ATM Not Available
    Point of Sale (POS) Not Available
    Incoming Foreign Transfer (IFS) Not Available
    Incoming Internal Transfer Not Available
    Comprehensive window services Not Available
    Speed Mail Services Not Available